First app idea

An App that makes routes for people who want to see certain animals.
The routes are personally generated
for each user based on the animal pictures people have taken in nature.

This idea didn't click with me personally, so I decided against it.
While looking at the website of staatsbosbeheer I noticed that the website isn't inclusive for expat students. People who don't speak Dutch won't be able to go through the website or choose and understand the routes.

I wanted to make something that gives student expats the opportunity to explore staatsbosbeheer.

Arjen :

Look deeper into what is possible and not in the what isn't possible. Try to rebrand a rave to a raver community. How do you protect nature, but also still have fun?

Try to look into the social environment, and the environment that gets created in certain situations. A rave party environment creates a group mentality that is often destructive for the people and the surroundings. Which is exactly the opposite that this project wants to achieve.

What can be done in staatsbosbeheer that will attract people to meet up there, and be nondestructive?


While trying out the app prototype there were some design elements that were confusing. For example, what the butterfly symbol meant, and where it led to. I didn’t understand that it was meant as a return to last page button, so it confused me.

Also, I think there should have been an introduction page that would explain the purpose of the app. I was confused why I was on the app and what I was doing.

I liked the logo design and the overall color scheme of the app, and think it is an interesting platform.


I also think that there should have been an introduction page, this way it will be clearer what the user is supposed to do. I think the app direction is fun and cheerful, and I see a lot of potential.

There should be a little more logic in the app with the pages. I dint get the meaning for some of the design elements. I like the link with butterflies and calling users butterflies.


He also agreed there were some design elements that could be altered, like the butterfly return button. He said it would be more logical as a home button.

Also, there should be more purpose for the app, there should be a reason for the people to hang out and connect. An activity or a purpose.
Compass to symbolise the expat
A tool that will send routes in Staatsbosbeheer to the expat. In their current location, the location being documented by the compass.