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I wanted to make an app that gives expat students the opportunity to meet and connect, while discovering staatsbosbeheer.
It is difficult for expats to meet other expats that are interested in the dame things.
People can connect while doing fun and relaxing activities, activities that bond people. Like eating together.
People can hang out in locations near them, or choose somewhere else, if they are more in an exploring mood.
I wanted to keep the activities as diverse and open as possible, so there is something fun for everyone.
This app doesn't have a route idea, which I did on purpose. I want a hangout app for people.

The butterfly design I used for the app logo is a combination of a butterfly and a flower. Both linking to nature, but the butterfly linking to the user. And the flower linking to nature. The animal I chose is also symbolising the fragility of nature, and that it needs to be kept save.

A conclusion that was made based on researching the staatsbosbeheer website was that they are protecting the nature by keeping it inclusively only to Dutch people. I started out by wanting to make a rave website that makes the staatsbosbeheer an interesting location for the expat culture raver. Our target group audience.
Giving them the opportunity to experience the locations, but in a positive way.
After a while I went away from the rave idea, thinking it will create a destructive environment for the nature that needs to be protected.